Sanjo-chan no Anime

A sister blog of "Nakashima of Remora" focusing on the latest trends in the anime industry.

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Great Teacher Onizuka

I recently just started watching "Great Teacher Onizuka" again. I originally started watching this anime back in 2003, but I stopped watching it when I couldn't find DVD volume 3 at Best Buy at the time, and couldn't afford it afterwards. I found some episodes on a couple of anime download websites. I still want to buy the DVDs, if only I can find them for under $25..

Anyway, Great Teacher Onizuka is about a former motorcycle gang member turned teacher. He helps out with the students problems and and has a crush on a girl at the school. This girl is an other teacher, but it's been so long since I saw this anime, I forgot her name. D; The voice actors are Steve Blum, who does the voice of Onizuka, and Wendee Lee, who does the voice of the girl whose name I can't remember...

Since I don't remember much from the beginning, I won't spoil it a lot. Anyone should check it out. It's a fan favorite!


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